
RSA launches new campaign to highlight ‘dangerous behaviours’

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has announced a new ad campaign aimed at raising awareness of dangerous behaviours on Irish roads. Radio adverts addressing five dangerous behaviours – speeding, drink driving, distracted driving, not wearing seatbelts and drug driving – will run from now until the end of August. The campaign’s messaging applies to all road users but it is aimed at younger men who drive on rural roads in particular. “The most dangerous driving behaviours have remained the same over many years: speeding, distraction, intoxication and non-wearing of seatbelts,” Minister of State at the Department of Transport James Lawless said. “I welcome this really important campaign by the RSA, which complements the important measures introduced earlier this year by the Road Traffic Act 2024.” Liz O’Donnell, Chairperson of the RSA, added: “It is clear that speeding, the intoxicated, the distracted and the non-wearing of seatbelts play key roles in the rising number of fatalities and serious injuries on our roads. In terms of speeding, our 2023 Free Speed observational study showed that one in two drivers were exceeding 30, 50 and 60km/h speed limits. We have also found that the acceptability of speeding has been consistently high since 2020 and has yet to return to pre-COVID levels.” To date, there have been 101 fatalities on Irish roads, 14 more than the equivalent period in 2023. For more information, visit